
Our Methodology is based on

Skills-Based Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence is being able to understand abstract concepts, particularly in math and literature.

Children, who have a growth mindset, a positive and happy attitude to studying and a work ethic that helps drive their passion - are more likely to achieve Academic Excellence.

Our Programs are aimed at developing children to achieve their potential at school, college and in their chosen careers.

 Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’re constantly worried that your child is not getting enough support at school?

  • Perhaps they do not have the focus or discipline to study?

  • They are not inspired or motivated to read literature or research their subjects?

  • Maybe they work hard but just need more reassurance and encouragement?

  • They may be above Grade Level and you feel they are not pushed enough at school?

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew that your child is being supported by an expert (with 20+ years experience) who will work with them to develop the skills required for consistent academic excellence?

 What if I told you that you could...?

  • Engage an expert for 1-2-1 online support at your convenience?

  • See an improvement in enthusiasm, discipline and focus?

  • Experience your child’s imagination rocketing with focused reading?

  • Allow your child to build their confidence with fun and challenging exercises?

  • Develop your child’s ability to take on information, solve problems and be more creative?

Our Methodology is based on

Skills-Based Academic Excellence

  • Academic Excellence is being able to understand abstract concepts, particularly in math and literature.

    Children, who have a growth mindset, a positive and happy attitude to studying and a work ethic that helps drive their passion - are more likely to achieve Academic Excellence.

    Our Programs are aimed at developing children to to achieve their potential.

  • Our methods are to create a supportive and nurturing environment in class and encourage the same at home.

    Many children are not able to be disciplined and focused which leads to disengagement and under achievement.

    We ensure the child is engaged and encouraged, challenged to enable them to learn and inspired into clear action.

    For most students, this has to be a long term solution as long term success is directly proportional to the depth and breadth of their skills and knowledge.

    There is no short term fix or work around. Hard work, focused study and engaging lessons are a key part of our success with students.

  • We have a Skills Based model with 3 Programs:

    Dolphin Program brings the children to a strong Grade Level where we give them more depth and breadth of skills to help them tackle their schoolwork.

    Penguin Program helps them stand on their own two feet and be independent learners who are adding to their academic toolbox.

    Eagle Program enables them to use their high performance as a platform or springboard, allow them to fly and explore their academic and creative options.

  • Your children will have the opportunity to achieve academic excellence and become high performing individuals. I would see this as you making an investment in your child’s future.

    I believe we offer value compared to the benefits of getting scholarships to very good schools in the USA.

    Looking at potential career income, we feel your potential return on investment is huge.

  • Take our Initial Assessment and discuss the feedback with Pamela.

  • Our Programs give the children a holitic approach to collecting skills for use in eduation and in life to solve problems. This is not a quick fix for anything. This is a process and we work with students to set and attain their targets.

  • We focus on English (Literature) and Math and we recommend the following:

    Dolphin Program - Recommended up to 1 hour each for English and Maths per week, every week

    Penguin Program - Recommended at least 1 hour each for English and Maths per week, every week

    Eagle Program - Recommended 1.50 or more hours each for English and Maths per week, every week

  • We help strengthen academic skills for long term benefits. It’s about having more skills that are taught in great depth and breadth so a child can understand the subject thoroughly.

  • Create a team around the child. They will need emotional as well as academic support. A positive environment, optimistic expectations and accountability are key in achieving success.

  • It gives a very strong foundation to build upon. Academic and emotional investment gives children the ability to study, read, problem solve - all essential skills today for children and adults.

    The more tools you have, the more problems you can solve - will lead to more doors opening for them.

  • Worksheets are good for repitition and diagnostics, but they do not give the child the depth and breadth that text books and leterature offer.

    With a skills based approach the student is more equipped to become an independent learner and develop at an exponential rate.

    Our approach is more customised for each child and more intensive than those who simply hand out worksheets without teaching in depth.

Why Choose Us?

 Your life before ‘Your Personal Tutor’

  • Constant worry that you cannot give your child the support they need now

  • Seeing difficulty in focus or discipline to study

  • They are not inspired or motivated to read literature or research their subjects

  • They work hard but just need more reassurance and encouragement

  • They are well above Grade Level and not pushed enough at school

Your life with ‘Your Personal Tutor’

  • Peace of Mind that their needs are being met with an expert 1-2-1

  • Noticing an improvement in enthusiasm, discipline and focus

  • Signs of academic growth and a stronger work ethic plus developing their imagination and natural curiosity with focused reading

  • Greater confidence with fun and engaging exercises

  • Build a supportive team to enable them to be creative with their passion as well as high performing mindset leading to academic excellence and more
